Starting Google Summer of Code 2020


I am Hemil Panchiwala, 2nd year CSE student at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India. I am incredibly excited to share that I was selected in the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) this year with the National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) as a mentoring organization. I will be working on the project "Simulation of system biology models in Java: support for new features" in this program. I am incredibly thankful to the wonderful mentors, namely Dr. Andreas Dräger, Dr. Matthias König, Mykola Zakharchuk, and Shalin Shah, who helped me to get selected and will guide me throughout this project.

This blog series is dedicated mainly to share my progress for the project. The official coding period starts from 1st June, and the community bonding period has currently begun. In this period, I will be exploring the codebase with solving some small issues and will discuss the implementation details with the mentors and finalize them.

What is NRNB?

The aim of the National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) to advance the new science of Biological Networks through analytic tools, visualizations, databases, and computing resources. Biomedical research is increasingly dependent on knowledge of biological networks of multiple types and scales, including gene, protein and drug interactions, cell-cell and cell-host communication, and vast social networks. Our technologies enable researchers to assemble and analyze these networks and to use them to understand better biological systems and, in particular, how they fail in disease. You can learn more about it by visiting

About the Project - SBSCL

My GSoC project is based on issue #141, and the repository is currently present at this link.

The Systems Biology Simulation Core Library (SBSCL) provides an efficient and exhaustive Java™ implementation of methods to interpret the content of models encoded in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) and its numerical solution. This library is based on the JSBML project and can be used on every operating system for which a Java Virtual Machine is available. Please note that this project does not contain any user interface, neither a command-line interface nor a graphical user interface. This project has been developed as a pure programming library. To support the MIASE effort, it understands SED-ML files. Its abstract type and interface hierarchy facilitate the implementation of further community standards, such as CellML.

In this project, I will be working on to update SBSCL to support the SBML Version 3 Version 2 and the FBC Version 3, add the stochastic simulations in SBSCL, improve support for the simulation of SBML models with comp extension, testing SBSCL against the SBML Test Suite, the BioModels as well as the BiGG Models database, and updating the documentation for the SBSCL repository. The complete details about my project can be found in my project proposal.

For any discussions, please contact me here:




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